The perfect backdrop for outdoor gatherings is a great & inexpensive way to increase satisfaction and/or boost the appeal of your investment property. This DIY project is one of our favorite ways to add a little something extra to our properties and you may be surprised just how easy it is to build your own backyard firepit. Follow these step-by-step instructions and you’ll be making s’mores around the fire in no time.
Get Ready
Before you begin, it’s a good idea to reach out to your local fire ordinances to see if fire pits are allowed in your city and, if so, be sure to check for minimum clearance requirements between the firepit and any structure.
Bricks for the fire pit wall
Twine or string
Tape measure
Large shovel
When purchasing bricks for the fire pit wall, you may opt for bricks specifically designed for fire pits. These bricks tend to have a higher heat resistance. You can get away with using standard retaining wall bricks or concrete pavers for the bulk of the fire pit. You will enjoy a longer lasting pit if you splurge for an inner layer of the higher heat resistant bricks.
Now that you have all your supplies and you’re confident firepits are not a problem in your area, let’s get started!
1. Create a circle
You’ll want your fire pit located a safe distance from any structures and overhead foliage. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, insert a stake in the ground where the center of the pit will be.
Tie one end of the string or twine to the stake and measure how wide you want your circle to be.
Our fire pits typically have a diameter of about 4-5 feet. Cut the string and tie the other end to the handle of a trowel. With the string or twine taut, drag the sharp end of the trowel around in a circle, creating a line in the grass.
2. Remove the Grass
Using a shovel, dig out the grass inside the circle.
You’ll want the hole for a fire pit to be at least 6-12 inches deep. Be sure you are familiar with utility lines and irrigation lines before you start digging to avoid unpleasant surprises. If you are unfamiliar with where utility lines run you can call 811.
3. Compact the dirt
If you don’t have a tamp, you can just use the bottom of your shovel or your body weight.
4. Level the circle
Keep making small adjustments to your circle until it’s completely level.
5. Add gravel
Put down a couple inches of gravel in the fire pit.
6. Arrange the bricks
After you’ve spread the gravel around and you have a level base, arrange your bricks in a circle. You want to stack layers until the fire pit wall is a minimum of 12 inches tall.
We like to use an outdoor fire-resistant mortar between the bricks to add stability but its perfectly fine to proceed without mortar.
7. Relax and enjoy!
Gather a couple of Adirondack chairs, your favorite refreshments and some friends to make use of your new space.